
  • Welcome to Ilydan

    “Let it be known that his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Thalmos, has deemed fit to sponsor settlers to travel to the newly discovered island of Ilydan. We seek those with a sense of adventure, imagination, endurance and ambition to build a new land across the sea. Safe passage will be given to those who apply, and lands and wealth await those with the skill and wit to survive. Please enquire with the Ilydan Trading Company, no time wasters.”

    Thus read the handbill thrust at you in the market square. You had heard tell of the newly discovered land, rumour had it that sailors blown off course had discovered it and returned with tales of a magical island rich in resources and with few inhabitants. The first ship taking explorers had been sent out, and a few months later return to confirm the rumours. Now settlers were sought, hardy, rugged types with a reason to leave the mainland in search of riches and adventure.

    Welcome to Ilydan Live Action Roleplaying, a LARP system based in Somerset, UK. We run two day events twice a year packed with adventure, story, intrigue and fun. Our events are relatively small, usually around 20 to 30 players, which lets us focus on putting player characters at the heart of the action with lots going on. Please see our Events page to see what is coming up. You can read more about Ilydan LARP, and also the rules for our LARP system. And if you have any questions we’d love to hear from you.